Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy is a method of treatment in which a jar is attached to the skin surface to cause local congestion through the negative pressure created by inducing heat in the form of an ignited material. This type of treatment has been used in the treatment and cure of a broad range of conditions throughout the Eastern and Western cultures of the world. Mostly practiced by the Arabs and Chinese and for thousand of years.
In Europe known as 'CUPPING' & 'FIRE BOTTLE'
In Malay this practice is known as 'BEKAM', 'CANDUK,
in Arabic known as 'AL-HIJAMAH'
while in Chinese is known as 'Pa Hou Kuan'.
It is known as In Arabic this method of therapy was popularised by our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W (570-635) A.D as stated in many Hadith.

Cupping therapy has been further developed as a means to open the 'Meridians' of the body. Meridians are the conduits in the body through which energy flows to every part of the body and through every organ and tissue. There are five meridians on the back that, when opened, allow invigorating energy to travel the whole length of the body. It has been found that cupping is probably the best way of opening those meridians.

Cupping has also been found to affect the body up to four inches into the tissues, causing tissues to release toxins, activate the lymphatic system, clear colon blockages, help activate and clear the veins, arteries and capillaries, activate the skin, clear stretch marks and improve varicose veins. Cupping is the best deep tissue massage available. Cupping, the technique, is very useful and very safe and can be easily learned and incorporated into your family health practices.

The cupping method has the function of promoting the flow of energy in the blood thus dispelling cold dampness, toxic and winds. It is also diminishing swellings and pains. Cupping responded very well with the following problems:-

Disease caused by dampness, such as low back pain, lumbago, sciatica, pain in arms and shoulders, pain in the legs and muscular part of the body, stomachache, voting, headache, migraine, sprains, insomnia, etc

Types of Cupping Therapy:

Dry or Air Cupping:

This is the process of using a vacuum on different areas of the body in order to gather the blood in that area without incisions. 70% of diseases, pains and ailments are due to the blood being unable to reach certain parts of the body. Dry or Air Cupping is the most common and the easiest to learn. It can be practiced without any side effects and is used to prevent diseases and treat aches and pain, indigestion, sore throat, etc by improving our general blood circulation and removing gases from our body. The cupping marks that remain will disappear after several days but will last longer if we air cup too long (more than 15-30 minutes) in which case bleeding under the skin and or blisters may form. Dry cupping will allow the blood to reach these places. Dry or Air cupping may be administered any time of the day, any day of the week or month. There are no restrictions.

Wet or Blood Cupping Therapy:
This is the process of using a vacuum at different points on the body but with incisions in order to remove 'harmful' blood which lies just beneath the surface of the skin. Wet or Blood Cupping is known to treat about 80% of common diseases with about 80% success rate. This treatment remove blood stasis (stagnated or congested blood) comprising of acidic toxic waste which slow down or block the blood vessels (capillaries) and reduce supply of oxygenated and nutrient rich blood to and removal of carbon dioxide and metabolic waste from our body cells. Accumulation of this blood stasis (stagnated or congested blood) increase with age and will cause our cells, tissues and organs to weaken, feel pain, lose sensation and function at lower efficiency. Wet or Blood Cupping helps the body to get rid of blood stasis (stagnated or congested blood) which the body is unable to do on its own. It is performed every two or three days for existing diseases or every week for disease prevention and health maintenance. Each cupping point will be cupped five to seven times for a total of half an hour. Specific points are cupped to treat each disease and there are a total of 51 cupping points to be learned. However we need to remember about 10 major points to treat 80% of the common diseases. A total of more than 50 diseases can be treated including stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure (hypertension) , IBS, heartburn, arthritis, migraine, liver disease (hepatitis), kidney problem, gout, high fever, myopia, snoring, asthma, breathing problems

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Homoeopathic Treatment for Children Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) And Similar Behavioural and Learning Disorders

There is a growing number of concerned parents who do not want to medicate their children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD or Similar Behavioural and Learning Disorder and who are looking for alternative treatments. This article offers a short introduction to Homoeopathy as an alternative to such treatments.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD or ADHD) and other similar Behavioural and Learning Disorder is being diagnosed in epidemic proportions. Thomas Armstrong, in his book The Myth of the ADD Child, claims that children learn in many different ways and have different styles of coping with stress, and that this children are overdiagnosed and overtreated. He suggests a wide range of non-medicated approaches such as changes in classroom set-ups, more kinesthetic learning, project-based learning, martial arts, etc. There is also the strong concern about the possibly harmful long-term effects of Ritalin.

Reichenberg-Ullman & Ullman in their well researched book Ritalin Free Kids tell us about their experience in treating ADD children: "Can a child who lashes out in a violent, destructive manner and has no interest in his schoolwork fit into the same diagnostic group as a sweet, gregarious child who simply cannot pay attention in class? Conventional medicine would say that based on their scores on standardized ADD test, both children could indeed have ADD. Homoeopathy would say that these two distinct children are as different as night and day. A homoeopath would prescribe different medicine for the two children, rather than giving them both stimulants. And what about the many conditions that mimic ADD, such as dyslexia, other learning disabilities, developmental disorders, hypo/hyperthyroidism, anxiety, depression, and compulsive disorder, just to name a few?" Can we lump all these children under one diagnostic category and give them one drug? Homoeopaths treat the individual and not the diagnosis. We take the whole person into account and want to know the specific pattern of symptoms that the child presents.

Each person manifests his or her ADD in a unique fashion. For us, a child who is violent and aggressive and spits into people’s faces needs a different remedy than a child who is anxious, lacks self-confidence and feels often ridiculed. There are more than 3,000 homeopathic remedies, and a homeopath tries to select the one specific remedy that best matches the child’s symptoms—starting from her disposition, her dreams, fears, food preferences, medical history, parents' and grandparents' histories, to the exact way her ADD is expressed, and more. “The homoeopath is much more interested in what is distinctive or unique about that individual with ADD, rather than in symptoms such as restlessness and distractibility, which are common to most ADD patients. The homoeopath wants to know what the particular child or adult thinks and feels, rather than the interpretation of the parent or teacher or therapist.”

Since Homoeopathy treats the whole person and not just one syndrome/diagnosis, patients experience improvements through homoeopathic treatment that are way greater than just the disappearance of one particular set of symptoms. The violent child becomes more settled and balanced in mood altogether; the shy and anxious child develops greater confidence and strength of character.

Ritalin and its other drug relatives mask the symptoms of ADD for a few hours only. J.M.Swanson’s article The Effect of Stimulant Medication on Children with ADD states that Ritalin treatments do not show “significant improvement in reading skills, athletic or game skills, or positive social skills. Overall, long-term adjustment, as measured by academic achievement, antisocial behavior and arrest rate, was unaffected by medication”.

Homoeopathy treats the whole child. Not only do the behavioral and learning problems diminish but also, homoeopathic treatment often will stimulate a growth spurt in the child. The child develops in a healthier and happier way overall.

Homoeopathic medicines also are safe and non-toxic. They do not cause side effects such as tics, appetite loss, and insomnia, which are some of the known side effects of Ritalin.

For people interested in reading more on Homoeopathy as an alternative treatment, I highly recommend the book Ritalin Free Kids by Judith Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman, (Prima Publishing, 1996)

References, Recommended Reading:
•The Myth of the ADD Child, Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.
•The War Against Children, Peter Breggin, MD and Ginger Ross Breggin (St. Martin's Press, 1994)
•The Merrow Report: ADD - A dubious diagnosis?, John Merrow (PBS 1995)
•Effect of Stimulant Medication on Children with ADD: A Review of Reviews, Dr. James Swanson, PhD

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Brain Gym®

Movement is the Door to Learning!

Brain Gym® is a series of simple and enjoyable movements that are used in Educational Kinesiology to enhance the experience of whole-brain learning. EDU-K is a result of over twenty years of research by its founder Dr. Paul Dennison.
Brain Gym® activities make all types of learning easier, and are especially effective with academic skills. It is empowers learners of all age-groups by using movement activities to extract hidden potentials and make them readily available. Whole-Brain learning, through movement re-patterning and through Brain Gym® activities enables students to access those parts of the brain previously inaccessible to them. Many teachers use a variety of Brain Gym® movements in their classroom everyday, some concentrating on the movements specially related to reading. When students are introduced to Brain Gym®, they seem to love it, request it, teach it to their friends, and integrate it into their lives - parents can easily learn the Brain Gym® movements with their children and support their practising them at home - a very good way to get started in the morning or before getting into homework!
Brain Gym® can be used to treat:

· Learning Difficulties
· ADD/ADHD & dyslexia
· Lazy eyes
· Speech problems & dyspraxia

For more information go to

Bio-Chemic-12 Tissue Salts

In the human body, there are twelve inorganic elements, known as tissue or cell salts, that are essential to cell function. Don’t get tissue salts confused with that granulated white stuff on your table. Biochemical tissue salts, or cell salts, are mineral salts that exist in the cells and play a critical role in cellular metabolism.
In the 1870s, the German homeopath Dr. William Schussler proposed that illnesses can be caused when these twelve elements are not balanced. As such, Biochemic treatments aim to re-establish balance by administering the necessary salts to correct deficiencies or excesses in this system. Dr Schuessler’s 12 tissue cell/salts are often referred to by their number and are generally available in most health food stores either singly or in various combinations. They are listed as follows.
1) Calcarea fluor (Calcium fluoride)
2) Calcarea phos (Calcium phosphate)
3) Calcarea sulph (Calcium sulphate)
4) Ferrum phos (Iron phosphate)
5) Kali mur (Potassium chloride)
6) Kali phos (Potassium phosphate)
7) Kali sulph (Potassium sulphate)
8) Magnesium phos (Magnesium phosphate)
9) Natrum mur (Sodium chloride)
10) Natrum phos (Sodium phosphate)
11) Natrum sulph (Sodium sulphate)
12) Silicea (Silica)

CALC FLOUR is important in the elastic fibres of the body (skin, muscles and blood vessels) and for the surface of bones and teeth.

CALC PHOS is a major constituent of bones and teeth. It is very useful in childhood conditions such as "growing pains" by helping to ease the bone pain until the deeper cause can be treated homeopathically.

CALC SULPH is needed where there is suppuration (pus formation) such as with wounds slow to heal, boils, ulcers, abscesses and acne.

FERRUM PHOS is very helpful in the early stages of a cold or viral infection, when it is difficult to get clear symptoms on which homeopathic remedies to prescribe.

KALI MUR helps in any condition with thick white discharge and in thickening of the blood.

KALI PHOS is a great nutrient for the nerves and brain and helps with brain-fog, irritability, timidity and muscular debility associated with nerve weakness (usually after an acute illness).

KALI SULPH helps to carry oxygen to the cells and is useful in circulatory problems and inflammations. It also helps in skin problems and where discharges are yellow.

MAGNESIUM PHOS is excellent as an anti-spasmodic and helps in such situations as menstrual cramps.

NATRUM MUR is used when there is a disturbance of the water metabolism, such as in excessive dryness or edema. It works to distribute water in the body.

NATRUM PHOS is used where there is an excess of acid and where the bile is important (colic, jaundice, gastric problems). It works to create water.

NATRUM SULPH, like Natrum phos and Natrum mur, regulates the quantity of water in the system. It helps where there is a greenish discharge.

SILICEA is indicated in all cases of slow pus formation. It helps to ripen an abscess and promote discharge, such as in resolving boils or tooth abscesses.

Bach Flowers Remedies

Bach Flowers Remedies the wonders of nature. This system of healing was developed by Dr. Edward Bach. Drawing on the natural healing powers of different wildflowers, Bach Flower remedies seek to combat negative states of mind that often result in physical problems. Dealing with these negativities resolves physical problems resolved and also strengthens positive emotions and mindsets. These remedies help to heal and bring harmony to the individual. Bach Flower Remedies address issues like fears, bad habits, indecisiveness, disinterests, physical and mental stress, low spirit, and despondency. I may advise the use of the Bach Flower Remedies. It may be nesessary to make up a personal remedy for you using more than one of the 36 different remedies which were formulated by Dr Edward Bach, in the 1930s, from plants and flowers to help negative emotional states of mind. I completed a short course on these remedies and have been using them for many years. They are completely safe with no adverse side effects.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Homoeopathy - Holistic Healing

Homoeopathy is a system of medicine that is based on natural laws. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann discovered these natural laws 200 years ago and applied them to healing ailments and diseases. In Homoeopathic philosophy, the concept of disease is a total affection of three levels: Physical, Mental, and Emotional. Thus, an illness is not only caused by a certain malfunctioning organ but dysfunctions on deeper levels as well. Homoeopathic remedies seek to cure ailments by addressing them at their roots on these three levels, rather than merely suppressing their external symptoms. Homoeopathic remedies are derived from vegetable, mineral and animal substances and are used to treat a wide range of conditions, including acute infections, injuries, chronic diseases and emotional disorders. Remedies are carefully selected, according to each individual case, to stimulate the body's own defense systems to heal body, mind and spirit in harmony, without toxic side effects.