Reichenberg-Ullman & Ullman in their well researched book Ritalin Free Kids tell us about their experience in treating ADD children: "Can a child who lashes out in a violent, destructive manner and has no interest in his schoolwork fit into the same diagnostic group as a sweet, gregarious child who simply cannot pay attention in class? Conventional medicine would say that based on their scores on standardized ADD test, both children could indeed have ADD. Homoeopathy would say that these two distinct children are as different as night and day. A homoeopath would prescribe different medicine for the two children, rather than giving them both stimulants. And what about the many conditions that mimic ADD, such as dyslexia, other learning disabilities, developmental disorders, hypo/hyperthyroidism, anxiety, depression, and compulsive disorder, just to name a few?" Can we lump all these children under one diagnostic category and give them one drug? Homoeopaths treat the individual and not the diagnosis. We take the whole person into account and want to know the specific pattern of symptoms that the child presents.
Since Homoeopathy treats the whole person and not just one syndrome/diagnosis, patients experience improvements through homoeopathic treatment that are way greater than just the disappearance of one particular set of symptoms. The violent child becomes more settled and balanced in mood altogether; the shy and anxious child develops greater confidence and strength of character.
Ritalin and its other drug relatives mask the symptoms of ADD for a few hours only. J.M.Swanson’s article The Effect of Stimulant Medication on Children with ADD states that Ritalin treatments do not show “significant improvement in reading skills, athletic or game skills, or positive social skills. Overall, long-term adjustment, as measured by academic achievement, antisocial behavior and arrest rate, was unaffected by medication”.
Homoeopathy treats the whole child. Not only do the behavioral and learning problems diminish but also, homoeopathic treatment often will stimulate a growth spurt in the child. The child develops in a healthier and happier way overall.
Homoeopathic medicines also are safe and non-toxic. They do not cause side effects such as tics, appetite loss, and insomnia, which are some of the known side effects of Ritalin.
For people interested in reading more on Homoeopathy as an alternative treatment, I highly recommend the book Ritalin Free Kids by Judith Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman, (Prima Publishing, 1996)
References, Recommended Reading:
•The Myth of the ADD Child, Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.
•The War Against Children, Peter Breggin, MD and Ginger Ross Breggin (St. Martin's Press, 1994)
•The Merrow Report: ADD - A dubious diagnosis?, John Merrow (PBS 1995)
•Effect of Stimulant Medication on Children with ADD: A Review of Reviews, Dr. James Swanson, PhD